Alloa Musical Players
Alloa Musical Players
Keeping musical theatre live since 1952

2024/25 and we're getting ready for rehearsals for "The Wedding Singer".
The AGM is coming up on Wednesday 14th August - 7.30 at Alloa Rugby Club.
2022 and Rehearsals are well underway for "Little Shop of Horrors"
Show opens Wednesday 1st March 7.30 for five performances (matinee on Saturday 4th)
Click TICKETS above to get yours!
Saturday October 1st 2022
AMP invites everyone who has performed, worked backstage, played in our band, worked Front-of-House, boiled the kettle, crewed on stage, become a Friend of AMP, sewed costumes, build props and sets, served on committees etc etc etc
to come to the birthday party in Sauchie Hall!
Book through Eventbrite or talk to an AMPer or just show up with a fiver!
Platinum Party - AMP at 70!
Platinum Party - AMP at 70!
AGM Alloa Rugby Club Monday 8th August
AGM Alloa Rugby Club Monday 8th August
Come along and keep us legal! AMP is a charity and this year we need at least one new Trustee to join our jolly committee!
Little Shop of Horrors - 1 - 4 March 2023
Little Shop of Horrors - 1 - 4 March 2023
Rehearsals begin Monday 22nd August in Alloa Rugby Club - all welcome, especially newcomers! We are a 16+ company.
2021 and another Covid Christmas
2021 and another Covid Christmas
Who would have imagined that Covid would be holding us back for yet another year?
In September 21 we began devising and rehearsing a production to celebrate our 70th Birthday as a company and have the show ready to perform in March 2022. However, by the end of November a new variant of Covid-19 had arrived and Omicron called a halt to the rehearsals we were so much enjoying. With restrictions still in place and confidence about an end to Covid-19 draining away, we regretfully decided
not to perform the planned Revue.
We now plan to hold a fabulous Birthday Party sometime in the coming months and when summer is over, set about rehearsals for:
"Little Shop of Horrors"
March 2023
The Underwood Quaich for the Best Basic Programme in Scotland Chicago 2020
The Underwood Quaich for the Best Basic Programme in Scotland Chicago 2020

That's Elizabeth Donald, our NODA Representative handing the massive silver quaich to our President, Rob McDermott.
A Covid Christmas 2020 with Alloa Musical Players

CRAMP (Covid Recovery by AMP) - plenty fun and games
So since lockdown we have held regular walks, a show-based cake decorating contest, a Zoom dance workshop, a pumpkin carving contest, a lip-synch video contest, a car treasure hunt, and in the planning are a Murder Mystery event and a Christmas Party like no other before!

From the joy and delight of a sell-out show to the dismay and misery that we will not be able to begin rehearsals as planned due to this global pandemic.
Live theatre in every sense is the last thing we can do with a highly contagious virus on the loose.
Dance, singing, physical theatre, rehearsals in crowded, sweaty halls, dressing rooms, wings and chorus numbers - all are impossible and, front-of-house, theatre bars, swarms of people in foyers, packed houses ... all the things we love are forbidden.
We have been meeting both socially and for business in online forums and will continue to keep the company going until solutions emerge - but live theatre is likely to be the last activity to emerge from lockdown so we must be patient.
Production for 2021: Little Shop of Horrors
Production for 2021: Little Shop of Horrors
AMP's production of "Chicago" in the last week of February was a sell out - every performance a packed house!
To maintain this momentum, the company decided to stage "Little Shop of Horrors" in March 2021. Rehearsals and casting should begin in late August.
Junior AMP
Junior AMP

AMP was planning to run musical theatre workshops for young people aged 10 - 16. Sadly, due to the current COVID-19 Pandemic we will not be able to launch this initiative in 2020.
Watch this website and the Alloa Musical Players Facebook Page for further details. We hope to make a start in 2021. The workshops will be free of charge.
Chicago - the principal players
Chicago - the principal players

Amos – Gavin Orr
Roxie – Lesley Kettles
Velma – Laura McPherson
Billy Flynn – Alan Musgrave
Mama Morton – Kirsty Gillies
Mary Sunshine – Michael Coyne
Mona – Jennie Spowage/Paige Allan
Liz – Madelyn/Laura Stewart
Annie – Lesley Drury/Caitlin Smith
Hunyiak – Lesley Caldwell/Louise Stephenson
June – Victoria Stephenson/Nicole Garner
Fred Casely – Richard Cook
Sgt Fogarty – Chris Cairns
D.A. Harrison – Kevin Docherty
Go to Hell Kitty - Louise Stephenson
Charity Gig for Alzheimer's Scotland
Charity Gig for Alzheimer's Scotland
On Sunday afternoon, 1st September, local entertainers provided the music for Bert’s Bash, a delightful afternoon of tea with music and dancing in support of Alzheimer’s Scotland. Alloa Musical Players were delighted to take part. Lindsey Spowage and Moira Walker sang songs from the 1930s, 40s and 50s. Also playing were Cannie Strummers - a local ukelele band.
The event, at Alva’s Parklands, began at 1pm and big thanks are due to Alison of the Ladybird Tearoom, Alloa, sponsors of the function and providers of a delicious afternoon tea.
All proceeds - around £1,000, will go to to the local Alzheimer Scotland campaign to open a much-needed Dementia Resource Centre in our community.

Auditions for principal parts for Chicago 2020
Auditions for principal parts for Chicago 2020
Auditions for principal parts in our next show take place on Sunday 1st September from 1pm at Alloa Rugby Club.
There is a form to complete - please bring it along with you.
Here's some guidance:
- Everyone should sign up in advance to audition so we can schedule auditions. Sign up sheets will be available from tonight and will be gathered in on Monday.
- Everyone must fill out an audition form and pay £50 audition fee - (will be signed by a trustee - we shall have a little table set up for this). This audition form will be then passed to the selection committee.
- Auditions will be held by Character not by person so expect to hang around a bit. Some characters may be called together for the dialogue. Please arrange with Lesley if you have special arrangements e.g. a work commitment.
- You can audition for a maximum of 3 parts but feel free to indicate any parts that you would consider.
- Unfortunately, due to licencing we cannot do any gender swaps this year - (so no monobrows for me!!!)
- It will finish when it finishes.
What happened at the 2019 AGM?
What happened at the 2019 AGM?

There was a good turn-out of members and some new faces.
President Rob reviewed the year past and Treasurer Leanne took us though the finances. "Urinetown" was an exciting and highly amusing show on so many levels - but a hard sell - so revenue was down. Fundraising has repaired the damage and "Chicago" is expected to be more lucrative!
Paige stood down as a Trustee and Alan Musgrave (left) was elected to take her place. Kaye Finlay remains Artistic Director with Lesley Easton as our new Musical Director.
We had a full discussion about introducing "Junior" AMP. There is no youth provision in our community for Drama/Musicals (only dance and panto) and we believe we have the resources to make this work.
Final workshop for 2019 - mostly Charleston!
Final workshop for 2019 - mostly Charleston!
Some video from workshops 4 & 5
Some video from workshops 4 & 5
Trusting and lifting in Week 3
Trusting and lifting in Week 3

Week 2 - Fossetastic ...
Week 2 - Fossetastic ...

First "Energiser" was a blast - or perhaps a roller coaster ride!
First "Energiser" was a blast - or perhaps a roller coaster ride!

Summer is here - time for our Monday evening workshops starting July 1st - all details above!
We are excited to announce that "Chicago" (music by John Kander, lyrics by Fred Ebb) will be the next production by Alloa Musical Players to be staged in Alloa Town Hall from 26th - 29th February 2020. Rehearsals begin at Alloa Rugby Club with a Welcome Evening on Monday 19th August and continue on Mondays and Wednesdays until the show. Auditions for roles will be head a few weeks into the rehearsal schedule. New members in any capacity are most welcome.
Our Artistic Director/Dance Director for this production is Kaye Finlay and our Musical Director will be Lesley Easton.
In summer 2019 we are fundraising to support the staging of our March 2020 production of Chicago. Our first event was in Menstrie and coming soon is a family singalong to the movie, The Greatest Showman - this time in Clackmannan - details below. Only 100 seats are available so be on time if you want to be sure of a place!
There will be refreshments on sale and a wee raffle too.

We have worked with the Wee County Crafters to store costumes and props ...
and also make some of them!
We have worked with the Wee County Crafters to store costumes and props ...
and also make some of them!

Response from our "Urinetown" audience
Response from our "Urinetown" audience
"Well done everyone and welcome to the 21st century. A smack in the face up to date show and performed with great gusto."
"Amazing opening night everyone! What a very talented bunch!
I thoroughly enjoyed the whole show and laughed from the very first scene through to the finale."
"Congratulations on a great run. I loved the show and the performances were second to none."
“It wasn't good - it was bloody good ! X”
"Really enjoyable Brecht parody - love the Steam Punk feel - well done!"
"Brilliant! Visually stunning! Wonderfully manic! Deliciously camp! AMP, I salute you!"
"Don't let the name put you off was there last night this musical is funny and has some great musical numbers. The cast were excellent. Well done everyone."
And from the Alloa and Hillfoots Advertiser - a fine review! CLICK HERE
Get-in and Tech
Get-in and Tech

Publicity Shots Slideshow
Publicity Shots Slideshow

Early Urinetown Cast Photos Hot off the Press
Early Urinetown Cast Photos Hot off the Press

AMP Entertains at the Burns Supper of Alloa Rugby Club
AMP Entertains at the Burns Supper of Alloa Rugby Club


Who is Malthus?
Who is Malthus?

The Malthusian Theory of Population is a theory of exponential population growth and arithmetic food supply growth. Thomas Robert Malthus, an English cleric, and scholar published this theory in his 1798 writings, An Essay on the Principle of Population.
In “Urinetown”, Becky Two-Shoes represents the population explosion. And Caldwell B. Cladwell, by creating then capitalising on a water shortage, is adopting Malthusian techniques allied with straightforward greed, to control – or oppress the lower classes.
Malthus argued that because the population of the world is growing faster than our ability to produce food, many people will starve. The world might even be destroyed.
He observed that natural and man-made disasters would help population control, but controversially he also advocated using preventative measures to control the growth of the population. These measures include contraception, late marriages, and celibacy.
As Little Sally observes, although the music of “Urinetown” is happy – this is not a happy musical! The poor have few morals or scruples either. They are happy to kill for immediate gratification.
Only one character, Hope Cladwell has learned moral outrage (at University) and she convinces Bobby Strong to start the revolution. Unusually for a musical, even the hero dies! “Hail Malthus!”

Mr Cladwell - the caricature villain and boss of the Urine Good Company warns his staff and his idealistic daughter:
"Don't Be the Bunny!"
Don't be the bunny
Don't be the stew
Don't be the loser
You've got better things to do
You're born to power
You're in the money
Advice to you ....
Don't be the bunny!
Back to rehearsals on Monday 7th January!

So the Christmas party was amazing ... but
This was our URGENT Christmas Appeal!

Old Man Strong (Rob McDermott) pleads with Ms Pennywise (Kirsty Gillies) for access to her "amenity" - but no-one gets to pee for free!
How did this happen? When? Where?
You can find out first week of March ... Tickets

Pub Quiz successfully completed!
Kirsty, Louise and Lesley - not crowing at all ....
Otherwise known as: Ms Pennywise, Little Becky Two-Shoes and Officer Barrel

16th November 7.30 pm
Alloa Rugby Club
We brought friends! We won prizes!
We raised money to keep the show on the road!

The Support Team get busy ...
Costume design and planning underway with Jennie Spowage.

The show is cast ...
Here is George. George is playing evil tycoon Caldwell Cladwell. In one of his more genial moments he is sharing his fudge with the hero of Urinetown, Bobby Strong, played by Michael.
In the background you can see Rob trying to negotiate his way out of playing Old Man Strong with Dance and Creative Director, Kaye.
Right at the back, there's Steven, Musical Director, studying is Highway Code.

Knowing the score ...
Our big box of hired scripts/scores has arrived - here is a copy appropriately sitting on a toilet.
We are rehearsing currently in Alloa Rugby Club FK10 1QW.
Monday and Wednesday evenings at 7.15pm from now to March 2019.
Do just come along - however contacting us to check arrangements is also an idea!

Urinetown is set in a future where the government creates, then takes advantage of a terrible water-shortage by banning private toilets. Citizens are forced to pay to use public toilets instead, and those who can’t pay or won’t pay are exiled to Urinetown. The public amenities are regulated by big business baddy Mr Cladwell and his megacorporation Urine Good Company, who profit by charging admission for one of humanity’s most basic needs. Urinetown tells the story of Bobby Strong’s journey towards freedom and justice, as he leads the oppressed population in a revolt against the system. This outrageous and self-mocking show parodies many musical stage favourites: Fiddler on the Roof, West Side Story, Les Mis, Cabaret – and has everything from rousing gospel choir and fabulous dance numbers to heartbreaking solos, all with a political/satirical twist. It’s a real roller coaster ride – and in this era of political mayhem, what could be more appropriate?!
A Welcome Evening and introduction to "Urinetown" was held on Monday 27th August - Alloa Rugby Club
The First Rehearsal and meeting our new Musical Director was Monday 3rd September - Alloa Rugby Club
Rehearsals in Alloa Rugby Club are Mondays, Wednesdays and some Sunday afternoons until end February 2019

Steven Segaud
New Musical Director for Urinetown
We would like to introduce a new musical talent to the wee county, Steven Segaud. Steven took up the post of Musical Director for AMP when music rehearsals began on 3rd September.
He comes to Alloa fresh from his role on the keyboard for a brilliant production of “Urinetown” by students of Glasgow University – it has become a popular choice for young companies everywhere.
Steven plays several instruments and is also a voice coach so we should be in very good hands.

Kaye Finlay
Dance and Artistic Director
Urinetown will be Kaye's third show with Alloa Musical Players.
Kaye's extensive experience includes running her own Dance Company, choreographing many musicals, working as a Dance Facilitator with Falkirk Council and for Youth Scotland - and now directing musicals. She brings that rare combination of tough work with great fun.
Her directing style is highly inclusive, which is a perfect match for AMP's values.

Dance Tutor and our Artistic Director, Kaye Finlay, worked with more than 20 participants in her physical theatre course over 6 Monday evenings this summer. 10 men and 11 women joined in in total - some regular members of AMP, some complete newcomers. Stage fighting, how to lift each other, salsa, Charleston, street dance and much more were enjoyed - despite the unusually fierce heat of July and August!
AMP is grateful to the staff at Hawkhill Community Centre in Alloa, and to The Gordon Fraser Charitable Trust who funded the workshops.