Alloa Musical Players
Alloa Musical Players
Keeping musical theatre live since 1952

Friend of AMP
Friend of AMP

A Friend of AMP is someone who is not a Member, but who likes what we do and donates money or time to help to sustain our work.
Money? Friends can donate as much or as little as they choose. However, in our programme each year we list our Bronze, Silver and Gold Friends.
Gold Friends donate £100
Silver Friends donate £50
Bronze Friends donate £25
Friends of AMP donate as much or as little as they wish to and we ask all donors please to use our Gift Aid Form so that we can increase their gift by 25% through the Gift Aid process. Post your completed form to our Treasurer or attach it to an email to info@alloamusicalplayers.org
When Friends of AMP book tickets for our shows using the Friends of AMP Booking Form they earn benefits such as free seats to give to friends, complementary drinks and more - depending on the Bronze/Silver/Gold rating.
Want to donate your time? See our Volunteering page

Sir Bobby Stewart of Arndean, who sadly passed away in September 2019, supported Alloa Musical Players as Diamond Patron for five years until 2017. He and his wife Grizel attended every performance and made substantial financial contributions to AMP which helped keep the company afloat across some choppy waters and lean years. Bobby retired as Diamond Patron in 2018 with our grateful thanks.
Many, many local people have been Patrons of Alloa Musical Players, or Alloa Amateur Operatic Society as the society was formerly known. Their support over the years has been invaluable.
In 2018 we changed the name to Friend of AMP to bring us up to date and to reflect our new charitable status.
We will keep Friends updated about our activities and Friends should feel welcome to keep in touch with us and pay us a visit at any rehearsal - not just at showtime!